During ancient period Romans adopted the Greek architecture. They got influenced by the architecture and made several variations before practically implementing them. The buildings built in Rome were different than buildings built in Greece. Roman architecture consists of the features of classical architecture. Romans felt that they were profited by the knowledge given by their forefathers and Etruscan neighbors as they had the wealth of knowledge about future architecture.
Roman discovered the new architectural design due to the wealthy knowledge they posses and due to high, increase in population. They brought the uses of vaults and arches collectively. The construction of structures was mainly done for public use for example aqueducts of Rome, the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla, the basilicas and famous one was Colosseum. The structures for public use were established at most important cities of the Roman Empire.
Demands of political parties
Political parties insisted that the building structure made purposely for the public use should be impressive too. Pantheon is significant example which was rebuilt by Hadrian which still exists and is one of the best examples for eastern architecture. Hadrian was the emperor who left his mark on the landscape of northern Britain. He made these mark in order to separate his empire. The capture in Scotland led to construction of Antonine wall and thus Hadrian’s Wall got replaced.
Architectural features
- Roman use arch and their home improvement brought the use of concrete in building houses all around the Roman Empire. Aqueduct of Segovia was glorious structure built during roman period.
- Use of dome style in the construction invented the construction ideas for vaulted ceiling. These ceilings were mainly developed at large covered public space like public bathrooms. Dome type structures were constructed at various places such as Hadrian’s Pantheon in the city of Rome, the Baths of Diocletian and the Baths of Caracalla.
- Roman architecture emphasis on the public hygiene. Several bathrooms and latrines were built for public and private use. These bath rooms had under-floor heating in the form of the hypocaust, double glazing and piped water.
- Multistoried apartment structures were excellent which were constructed during Roman Empire. These apartments were called as ‘insulae’ which could provide residential facilities to large number of people. These insulae were heighted structures but were dangerous during fire and were unhealthy.
- Concrete was most important raw material that was invented by roman and is used in modern time also.

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